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2022 Camarillo High Baseball Golf Tournament
ACHS Baseball will be hosting a
golf tournament fundraiser on Monday, February 14th at Spanish Hills Country Club
999 Crestview Drive
Camarillo, CA 93012
Registration begins at 8:00AM with a shotgun tee-off at 10:00AM. Prizes awarded for:
Foursome top three finishes
Overall closest to the pin
Longest drive
Putting contest
Your entry also includes a breakfast burrito and boxed lunch catered
by Spanish Hills Country Club
$175 per Golfer
Silent Auction Baskets and Signed Memorabilia
All proceeds to benefit ACHS Baseball.
The tournament is now sold out!

8:00 - Registration
Breakfast Burrito
9:00 - Putting Contest
10:00 - Shotgun Start
Scramble Format
Box Lunch Provided
3:00 - Awards
Food catered by Spanish Hills Country Club

Your registration fee includes greens fees, putting contest, and catered lunch. The cost of each ticket / sponsorship, exclusive of $105 per person for golf fees and meals, is tax deductible.
Tax ID: 45-3137612
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